
Conversion Analytics: Enhancing your Awin reporting for better strategic decision making

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Learn how Conversion Analytics give advertisers more data insights and enables informed decisions to achieve their business goals. 

Awin Conversion Analytics is an advanced tracking setup that allows advertisers to report on the metrics that matter most to their brand. The additional insights enable them to make more informed decisions to achieve their business goals. 

The need for comprehensive, real-time reporting and rich data insights has become more imperative than ever for digital marketers. Pairing a performance marketing model with this broader need for transparency, the affiliate channel’s full offering is clearly compelling for advertisers. 

How it works 

Awin Conversion Analytics provide brands across all sectors with a better understanding of their Awin-powered partnerships on their own terms.  

By submitting relevant purchase and customer data to Awin via custom tracking parameters, advertisers see these data points in Awin's transactions reports and API, unlocking Conversion Analytics and Dynamic Commissions. 

Conversion Analytics allow advertisers to compare their online marketing KPIs with their activity in the affiliate channel - improving customer profiling capabilities, examining repeat purchase behaviour and assessing the value of each publisher's contribution more holistically.   

In combining customer demographic and product-level details on a sophisticated individual transaction level, advertisers are fully equipped to spot new buying trends, determine partner-specific strategies and apply customer segmentation across their affiliate programme, tailoring offers and content accordingly. Not only do Awin Conversion Analytics unlock these powerful insights in real-time and enable opportune strategic decision-making, they also eliminate advertisers’ need to apply manual guesswork or often outdated, performance assumptions. Utilising this enhanced technical setup is essential for any brand setting out to deliver an informed and true data-led approach in 2022. 

Best use of Conversion Analytics for each sector 

An example additional data point could be an anonymised customer number or ID, utilised to understand repeat purchase behaviour. More in-depth product information or transaction specifics that are relevant to each sector can also be shared; delivery type for a retailer who knows that click-and-collect customers are more valuable to them or stay dates for a travel advertiser who wants to validate actual completed bookings, for example. You can access Awin’s full range of recommended Conversion Analytics data points by sector here. 

Bundled together, this customer and transaction data can be overlayed and pulled into customisable reporting dashboards to help advertisers make full sense of the information captured through Awin Conversion Analytics.  

One way to visualise and analyse the data is for advertisers to export the available data points from the user interface within Excel. Another option would be a custom report tailored to the advertiser's individual needs and requirements. 

The following image is a mock-up demonstrating what a bespoke report could look like, utilising the customised URL parameter data including customer type, product-level data and basket value information:   Example of Conversion Analytics Graph

Reward publishers with insights and dynamic commissions 

The advantages of using Awin Conversion Analytics to optimise activity will benefit your affiliates too. With the enhanced data guiding their channel strategies, advertisers can clearly pinpoint which product should be promoted by which publisher during a particular timeframe. Understanding performance probability on this granular level and sharing as much information with the individual publisher as possible enables them to target their promotions and messaging for their audience on a more concentrated, campaign basis. Additionally, selected Awin advertisers can remunerate specific publishers in accordance with the results they drive via our flexible commissioning tool which enables advertisers to reward commission on custom parameter data. 

Conversion Analytics for business growth and optimisation  

To summarise, Conversion Analytics unlock a rich, detailed view of publisher and channel contribution to broader business targets, beyond revenue. These layered insights provide Awin advertisers with the key to targeting their proven, most profitable customers to optimise and drive growth within these segments. They also piece together empowering insights into each publisher’s contribution to wider brand KPIs, enabling a continual assessment of where best to allocate spend and increase channel investment.  

Conversion Analytics enable advertisers to: 

  • Drive growth with channel insights to better allocate affiliate spend and optimise programme growth. 
  • Identify the contribution of publishers and channels to their business goals. 
  • Get a comprehensive view of their customers to identify trends and develop affiliate-specific campaigns. 
  • Issue data-driven affiliate payments for more control over the advertiser's ROI. 

If you are interested in enhancing your reports to gain more insights that help you optimise your business goals, please contact our Client Partnerships Team.