
Webinar: How to get started with Monotote

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On Thursday 28th September at 11:00am, join us for a webinar to help get you started on the Monotote platform.


Monotote, is a technology solution that allows online readers to ‘purchase at the point of inspiration’. Monotote launched with Awin on 1st June this year and would now like to invite you to delve deeper into the inner workings of their real time buy button technology.

This webinar will cover the following:

  • How to activate your Monotote account
  • How to set up your branded shopping cart on your website
  • A tour of the Monotote dashboard
  • How to create your first shoppable editorial
  • How to create a shoppable video

The webinar will be presented by Chris, CTO at Monotote and will be followed by a Q&A session hosted by Chris and Mike Van Geldorp, CEO at Monotote.

Monotote are connected with the following advertisers and their product is ready and available for you to start tagging with the Monotote buy button:


 Click here to watch the webinar. 

If you are unable to make the webinar at the specified time you will be able to find the recording on Awin's social media channels shortly after the event. 

Add this event to your calendar: iCalendar, Google CalendarOutlook,  Outlook Online,  Yahoo! Calendar