
Opportunity Marketplace: The Benefits For Advertisers

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Opportunity Marketplace launched back in 2015 as an online supermarket full of publisher offerings.

For advertisers searching for opportunities which may not be visible in media packs, are slightly more niche or belonging to those publishers you don’t always have exposure to, it’s a fantastic chance to pick up your basket and start shopping.

Established as a marketplace where smaller publishers have the voice to express their offerings, Opportunity Marketplace is a goldmine for advertisers. Since it launched, 10,000 opportunities have been created with a 30% response rate, meaning the success is vast but the potential is even greater.

We appreciate that not only is it time consuming to contact an array of publishers to find out how to best utilise their site, but also to sift through the best new opportunities as advertisers are wanting more variety and unique propositions from a range of publisher types. This tool is the perfect portal to grow your affiliate programme with the publishers and offerings that spark interest and excitement for your brand.

The benefits of using Opportunity Marketplace

• All opportunities listed by publishers can be considered by advertisers via an efficient and easy to use directory.

How the directory appears to advertisers

• All of the information regarding the opportunity is visible in the summary, so you know exactly what is being offered, the dates and the cost to you making it tie in with budgets and promotional calendars.

• The publishers email address will be listed with the opportunity so you are able to contact them directly if you wish to discuss the opportunity further.

• The variety of offerings from publishers across the network and across multi sectors often lead to new relationships, enhanced ways of working and innovative campaigns.

• The selection panel to the side of the directory allows advertisers to search by opportunity types such as social exposure and newsletter inclusions and filter by sector, region and payment models ensuring the results to best suit the advertisers affiliate strategy.

• With the ‘Make Offer’ button it couldn’t be easier to go ahead with purchasing a new opportunity. Once you click through simply enter your name and email address as well as any additional comments you may want to ask the publisher and submit.

For more information regarding opportunity marketplace please contact your Account Manager.