

Découvrez les réussites et la croissance d'annonceurs et d'éditeurs sur le réseau Awin.



ShopBuddies - The 100% cashback shopping concept

Recently OrangeBuddies launched its first 100% cashback website in the Netherlands, called ShopBuddies. The cashback website, formerly called ShopBuddie, has been completely restyled and undergone a name change. It’s the first Dutch 100% cashback shopping concept which allows clients to sign up completely free of charge and no additional fees are being charged for using the website or getting accrued cashback paid out.

Interview: Savings United CEO Panayotis Nikolaidis

German coupon companies Panna Cotta Group and Global Leads Group have merged to become Savings United, creating a leading provider of online coupon vouchers in fast growing ecommerce markets including Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe and South America. In our interview, Savings United CEO Panayotis Nikolaidis explains the reasons behind the merger and how they can help advertisers to deliver targeted campaigns globally.

Autosalon Rally – The road to success

How to use the Autosalon promotion period to grow, maximize its potential and win our rally? There are some tips that may be useful. The information may sound familiar, but that only indicates your website is already adequate. Therefore try to just adapt the parts that are not optimal yet.

Plan your Marketing Activities for 2017 with our Seasonal Calendars

There’s no better way to get ahead than by planning ahead, which is why we’ve created our Seasonal Marketing Calendar 2017 for each of our local markets. In the calendars you’ll find all of the key events and seasonal promotions taking place throughout the year.

Autosalon 2017: Are you ready?

Last weekend the 95th edition of the Autosalon kicked off. Over the past few years, it has grown into one of the key commercial events of the year. During the Autosalon, different brands present their latest models and in addition consumers can enjoy special discounts. Last year, about 560.000 people visited the event which makes it one of the most visited events in the car industry!

Autosalon: Get ready for 2017

The first quarter is always a successful period for content and email publishers, which are active in the financial sector. The Autosalon will be the green light for the rising conversion rate. This fair is the biggest offline Auto event.

51% increase in shopping on Black Friday 2016

In 2015 Awin experienced phenomenal growth across our network, particularly in the UK, Nordics and Brazilian markets. This year we wanted to share what was happening on the day as it unfolded.

Awin launch live-data website for Black Friday, analysing data across 4,300 eCommerce websites

With less than a day until Black Friday 2016, Awin has launched a live-data visualization website: Reporting the events of Black Friday as they unfold, the dedicated website will update throughout the day with hourly insight and commentary live on the day – with data including the biggest single shopping hour, device trends and consumer spend.

5 Affiliate Marketing Predictions for Black Friday 2016

What started as a traditional American instore event the day after Thanksgiving, has exploded into a global online shopping phenomena around the world. On Black Friday last year across Awin we saw significant YoY sales growth (55%) and the first ever €100m day on the network.

New Seasonal Opportunity – Singles’ Day

Have you heard of Singles’ Day? The antithesis of Valentine’s Day, it originated in China as a day for people who are single, and is celebrated on 11th November (11/11), as the ‘ones’ in this date represent singles. From a consumer perspective, it is promoted as a time to treat yourself and purchase items on your wish list.

Les temps forts du dmexco 2016

Le dmexco s’est une fois de plus imposé comme LE rendez-vous international du marketing digital avec plus de 55 000 visiteurs venus rencontrer les 1 000 exposants présents.

YouTube & Performance Marketing

YouTube dans sa globalité (et même la plate-forme YouTube sur mobile à elle seule) touche plus de personnes âgées de 18 à 34 ans et de 18 à 49 ans que n’importe quelle chaîne de télévision aux États-Unis selon le site de partage de vidéos.

Saleduck s’étend sur l’Asie!

La jeune entreprise d’Amsterdam Saleduck connue avec son site internet belge s’étend désormais sur l’Asie! Récemment, la société a ouvert son premier bureau à Kuala Lumpur, en Malaisie. Saleduck voit de nombreuses opportunités sur le continent asiatique, où le commerce électronique représente plus de 770 milliards d’euros. C’est également le plus grand marché mondial.

Conseils SEO – La base

La semaine dernière, nous vous avons donné un aperçu de SEO. C’était un sujet bien lourd alors cette semaine nous allons parler d’un checklist pratique, qui vous assure que votre contenu est optimalisé et qu’il ne vous manque pas d’étapes importantes afin d’atteindre un bon classement pour des recherches sur l’internet.

Comment générer du trafic relevant vers votre site web – première partie

La semaine dernière, nous vous avons donné quelques conseils comment vous pouvez générer des ventes sur votre site web. Mais il reste encore la question comment atteindre le public qui vient sur votre site web pour acheter, ce qui est le but principal de votre site web. On vous conseille d’avoir plusieurs stratégies et ne pas compter sur une seule source. Dans la première partie nous allons vous monter comment utiliser les réseaux sociaux, les influenceurs et l’email marketing.

Tendances marché

Découvrez nos rapports de tendances en affiliation et marketing de partenariats, études de marché, tendances secteurs et publications éditoriales pour accéder à toutes les informations du secteur.
Consultez nos tendances marché